We are a premier property management company with deep roots within the housing management industry. We are an IREM Accredited Management Organization® with our main office located in central Michigan, however we offer services to a vast area in the Mid-West region. Our services include a multitude of housing markets including Affordable, Commercial, Condominiums, Cooperatives and Market/Apartments. Legacy is committed in meeting all Fair Housing requirements.
In 1987 P.M. One instituted a student grant program for dependent children of their employees to assist in paying the cost of higher education. In 2015 when Legacy, LLC was created Linda, Mary and Kathy made the decision to continue the legacy and are proud to carry on the tradition.
Two grants are awarded annually to the students with the highest GPA scores, and both are eligible to be renewed for the second year if eligibility requirements are met. Legacy decided to award three grants for the 2023/24 school year.
Our 2023/ 2024 Student Grant recipients are:
Congratulations Jayde, Evan & Mian!

Jayde Arnett
Daughter of Brian Arnett
from Colonial Townhouses in Lansing, MI

Evan Phillips
Son of Wendy Phillips
from our Corporate office in Milford, MI

Mian Shaw
Son of De’Quada George
from our Corporate office in Milford, MI
Congratulations, Kora & Anthony!
Two grants are awarded annually to the students with the highest SAT scores and both are eligible to be renewed for the second year if eligibility requirements are met. In 2020/2021, due to Covid-19 we used GPA since SAT scores were not available.
Our 2020/ 2021 Student Grant recipients are:

Kora Orosz, great niece and dependent of Elaine Born from Sutton Club Apartments in Grand Rapids, MI.

Anthony Montalvo, son of Emily Montalvo from Harbor Cove Apartments in Whitmore Lake, MI.
Legacy, LLC holds an employee picnic annually on the second Saturday in August. Our employees enjoy a fun-filled day with food and festivities. During this event, Legacy, LLC sponsors a charity raffle and all the proceeds are donated to the Michigan Humane Society in Livingston County.
Employees can purchase tickets for the chance to win an amazing prize and are always very generous and are proud to support such a worthwhile organization.
The Legacy Shines Contest is held annually each summer and gives our employees, and the communities we manage, an opportunity to nominate the people and/or properties they feel exemplify Legacy’s Mission, Vision, and Values. This is their chance to spotlight great people or great things happening in their community! The winners are awarded a cash prize and are taken out to lunch to celebrate with the leading ladies of Legacy, LLC. We are so proud of the outstanding teams we have working at our communities and they show us in so many ways how they exceed expectations every day.
Congratulations to you both on your well-deserved win!

1st Place – Matt Noel, Tae Keuk Village

2nd Place – Rachel Gierada, Fairway Club Apartments

Legacy, LLC is a proud participant in the State of Michigan Adopt-A-Highway program and maintains a stretch of I-96 in Lansing, Michigan. This program was developed by the Michigan Department of Transportation to keep the state’s highways clean and attractive. Legacy, LLC has participated in this program for 30 years and holds Platinum Status with the State of Michigan and is recognized on the state website.
Legacy Cares and encourages everyone to be on the lookout for all the Adopt-A-Highway volunteers wearing their brightly colored vests.
Please slow down and keep these volunteers safe!